Sympathy for the development and exploitation of Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies

 | Post date: 2021/07/4 | 
A meeting of professors and experts in the cryptocurrency industry entitled "Opportunities, Challenges and Global Processes of Commercialization and Application of Emerging Technologies" was held at Amirkabir University of Technology.

According to the public relations of Amirkabir University of Technology, in this specialized meeting, which was attended by professors and heads of the faculties of "Mathematical and Computer Science", "Electrical Engineering", "Computer Engineering" and "Management, Science and Technology", the CEO of the Investment Group Ernica described the achievements made in the country with the help of elites and expert youth. The CEO of Arnica Investment Group, while introducing Arnica Holding and its subsidiaries, according to the content of the meeting, referred to the activities of Danesh Bonyan Toofad Company (as one of the holding subsidiaries) and introduced the Exquino currency exchange platform. The company started its activities in 2017 with the "Exquino" platform and the "Beit Rah" portal, and in 1398 succeeded in obtaining a basic knowledge degree in the field of currency cryptography due to infrastructure activities in the field of blockchain technologies, nodes and bags. Currency cryptocurrency was based on financial protocols. The CEO of the holding emphasized that the group of companies affiliated with this holding supports the youth and creative elites in promoting the cryptocurrency industry and the Chinese blockchain.

Also in this meeting, Omid Tehrani, Executive Vice President of Arnica Holding, referring to one of the main challenges in the field of blockchain technology and currency code, which is the lack of specialized personnel, said: "One of the most difficult tasks in blockchain industry and currency code is attracting manpower." He is technically skilled. In this meeting, Seyed Mohammad Mir Abolghasemi, Vice President of Arnica Holding Technology, referring to the high security of Exquino and Beit Rah currency exchange platform, explained the security measures taken in Tofad Company as a knowledge-based company in the field of blockchain and cryptocurrency industry. He stated: In Tofad company, several teams have been created in order to increase security, one of which is in the field of detecting fraud. He stated: In general, the fraud detection system in Tofad Company has two parts before and after the transaction; If most fraud detection systems in the country are generally after transactions.

Mir Abolghasemi, referring to the formation of research and development team in Tofad Company, said: "To form this team, we have used the best specialists in the field of finance and blockchain to upgrade the security systems of Exquino and Tofad platforms and the experiences of large financial institutions." And banks are used in this section. In addition, the apparent shell of our activities in the field of cryptocurrency and blockchain is the Exquino platform, which also uses all domestic technical infrastructure and has the least dependence on international sites. Making cryptocurrencies wallets, implementing nodes that are sometimes the only case in the region and the Exquino technical team dominating the Chinese blockchain field in cryptocurrencies.

Yashar Javadani, technical director and software development of Arnica Holding, also mentioned the process of encrypting users 'information on the Exquino currency exchange platform to increase security: The process of encrypting users' information and wallets on Exquino and Bit platforms It has high security of these platforms and even if it penetrates the platforms of the open company, the intruder will not be able to access the information of the users of this company. In this ceremony, Ebrahim Maghsoudloo, CEO of Kavan Tak Electronic and Knowledge-Based Company, also introduced the mutual capacities of Kavan Tek Company, which operates in the field of RTU and IoT tracker, and said: "Kavan Tak's mutual cooperation from Amirkabir University laboratory and absorption The power of this scientific institution is emphasized in this meeting.

In this meeting, Dr. Mehdi Majidpour, faculty member of the Faculty of Management and Head of the University Marketing Office, while enumerating the legal and policy gaps in the field of currency cryptography, the need to organize in the field of governance and smart approach to maximize the use of emerging technologies He reminded the international interactions and announced that the professors and students of Amirkabir University of Technology have a lot of potential to help the development of technologies in terms of mathematical sciences, programming and management and economics of activities. He also cited several examples of commercialization and application of activities.

The heads of the faculties of Mathematics, Computer Science and Computer Engineering presented their opinions and suggestions at the meeting and welcomed the formation of educational, research and student cooperation. Dr. Mohaddes, the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, also suggested defining joint dissertations in all academic levels as well as holding joint training courses and said: "We hope that the cooperation between the two departments will begin as soon as possible." Meanwhile, Dr. Mohaddes announced the design of strong platforms in the field of advanced financial and application algorithms in the field of cryptocurrencies and blockchain and welcomed the bilateral cooperation. He called for faster implementation of the proposals.
Mr. Dr. Zarandi, the Honorable Dean of the Faculty of Computer Engineering, also proposed the idea of ​​holding student competitions and awarding prizes to the winners, which was welcomed by the senior management team of Ernica and Tofad Company. Also, Dr. Hashemi Golpayegani provided useful ways to train skilled manpower and attract them by investment holding, which was very welcomed by the managers present at the meeting.
The other professors present, Dr. Biranvand, Dr. Salavati, Dr. Akbari, Dr. Sedighi and Dr. Farbeh, called for the repetition of such meetings in order to implement the ideas and suggestions that strengthen the relationship between Toofad Company and the university, especially in technologies. Emerging, especially in the area of ​​blockchain and currency cryptocurrencies, helps a lot.

Finally, Dr. Majidpour, summarizing the issues raised and positively evaluating the meeting, said: The joint cooperation of Arnica Holding with Amirkabir University of Technology in order to synergize and train human resources specialized in the field of blockchain and currency industry can be completed Joint letters, concluding joint research projects, holding educational classes, student scholarships by Arnica Holding and internships of students of Amirkabir University will be implemented in this holding.

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