In order to develop scientific indicators through the optimal use of domestic scientific, research and technology facilities, strengthen the culture of cooperation and collaboration in universities and higher education and research institutes, develop industrial research activities and stronger ties with research and development departments, Activating research institutes and establishing effective communication with colleges, etc. The university has recruited a fellow research professor. These researchers work in research institutes 2 days a week, of which 50 have been recruited so far.
Applicant for the procedure of a fellow research professor must be a university graduate with a doctoral degree or an industry expert with the minimum requirements of the procedure in AUT-PR-2107. The steps are as follows:
1- The applicant for a complete resume with a detailed summary of the research project (about three pages , 800 to 1200 words) explaining the achievements and outcomes of the project accurately and transparently and the completed application form for cooperation as a research fellow, to the General Office Sends communication with the industry.
2- The General Administration sends the request to the relevant research institute and raises the subject of the applicant's request in the research council of the research institute and if necessary (based on the opinion of the members of the research council) invites the host professor and the applicant to the research council meeting in person. Be.
3- After the approval of the applicant's request by the research institute council, the documents along with the justification reasons of the research institute will be sent to the General Directorate of Industry Relations
4- The applicant's case will be presented to the esteemed board of the university and if the consent of the fellow research professor is issued, the applicant will be issued.
5- The research professor is obliged to start his cooperation with the university under the supervision of the host professor and send a report of his activities regularly. After submitting the final report, the performance of the research professor is evaluated by the director of the research institute and the host professor and to the university. It is announced that a certificate of research cooperation will be issued. If desired, this cooperation can be extended or resumed according to a new plan through the relevant steps.